Holistic Healing College is a fully registered CMA college that has been running courses since 1999 and offers a range of Holistic Courses and Healing Training including a Diploma in Spiritual Counselling, Holistic Healing Practitioner Diploma, Soul Plan and Spiritual Life Coaching Certificate amongst a few.
We are based in London and run courses in appropriate settings in the South East as well as Internationally; in the USA and Japan.
Course Leader
Soul Transformation Therapy and Soul plan Teacher
No 1 Amazon bestseller in the UK, USA, Canada, Germany and Japan. A consistent BEST SELLER on AMAZON since release and a number #1 in the entire Spirituality category during 2014. It is available NOW from WHSmith, Waterstones and all the Mind, Body, Spirit bookshops. ‘A must for all therapists and healers’.
Blue Marsden is the Hay House author of Soul Plan: Reconnect with your True Life Purpose. Translated and published in German and Japanese as well as Amazon No 1 best seller in Spirituality. Blue is also a teacher of contemporary counselling and spirituality and founder of Holistic Healing College where he has pioneered a modern counselling and training that integrates the latest healing techniques.
![Blue spring 2016[1] Soul Transformation Therapy and Soul Plan Teacher](http://www.soultransformationtherapy.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Blue-spring-20161-217x300.jpg)